序号 | 姓名 | 论文题目 | 刊名 | 收录情况 |
1 | 胡良 | Effects of selenium on antioxidant enzyme activity and bioaccessibility of arsenic in arsenic-stressed radish | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | SCI一区 |
2 | 李威 | Low-dose biochar added to sediment improves water quality and promotes the growth of submerged macrophytes | Science of the Total Environment | SCI一区 |
3 | 刘文飞 | Assessing hydrological responses to reforestation and fruit tree planting in a subtropical forested watershed using a combined research approach | Journal of Hydrology | SCI一区 |
4 | 李燕燕 | 亚热带红壤区不同植被恢复类型土壤有机碳13C特征 | 核农学报 | CSCD |
5 | 刘文飞 | 基于扩展的Budyko 模型定量评估平江流域森林恢复和气候变异对季节性径流的影响 | 生态学报 | CSCD |
6 | 樊后保 | 长期氮沉降下杉木人工林凋落物与土壤的C、N、P化学计量特征 | 广西植物 | 北大中文核心 |
7 | 胡良 | Effects of organic selenium on absorption and bioaccessibility of arsenic in radish under arsenic stress | Food Chemistry | SCI一区 |
8 | 李燕燕 | 城市绿地典型植被群落凋落物存留特征对土壤理化性质的影响 | 森林与环境学报 | CSCD |
9 | 廖迎春 | 杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolate)人工林生长状况与根系生物量相关性研究 | 生态环境学报 | CSCD |
10 | 刘文飞 | Responses of intra-annual runoff to forest recovery patterns in subtropical China | Journal of Forestery Research | SCI二区 |
11 | 沈芳芳 | Stoichiometric traits (N:P) of understory plants contribute to reductions in plant diversity following long-term nitrogen addition in subtropical forest | Ecology and Evolution | SCI二区 |
12 | 朱丽琴 | Root estimation accuracy and sampling representativeness in relation to sample size in a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest: comparison between soil core and minirhizotron method | New Forests | SCI二区 |
13 | 朱丽琴 | Fine root nutrient foraging ability in relation to carbon availability along a chronosequence of Chinese fir plantations | Forest Ecology and Management | SCI二区 |
14 | 廖迎春 | Responses of absorptive root and mycorrhizal colonization of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) to varied environmental conditions | Plant Ecology | SCI三区 |
15 | 邓邦良 | Urease inhibitor and biochar independently affected N2O emissions from Camellia oleifera soils | Plant, Soil and Environment | SCI三区 |
16 | 沈芳芳 | High N storage but low N recovery after long-term N-fertilization in a subtropical Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation ecosystem: A 14-year case study | Frontier in Plant Science | SCI一区 |
17 | 沈芳芳 | 生物炭减缓农业生态系统土壤N2O排放的研究进展 | 中国农业大学学报 | CSCD |
18 | 李威 | 不同密度铜锈环棱螺对沉水植物生长和水质的影响 | 水资源保护 | EI |
19 | 王金平 | Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhanced salt tolerance of Gleditsia sinensis by modulating antioxidant activity, ion balance and P/N ratio | Plant Growth Regulation | SCI三区 |
20 | 王金平 | The Effects of Biochar on Microbial Community Composition in and Beneath Biological Soil Crusts in a Pinus massoniana Lamb. Plantation | Forests | SCI二区 |
21 | 胡良 | Effects of inorganic and organic selenium intervention on resistance of radish to arsenic stress | Italian Journal of Food Science | SCI四区 |
22 | 胡良 | Effects of different exogenous selenium on enzyme activities and microorganisms in arsenic-contaminated soil | Applied ecology and environmental research | SCI四区 |
23 | 黄荣珍 | 杉木人工林土壤微团聚体中铁铝氧化物与微生物的分布及其关系 | 水土保持通报 | 北大中文核心 |
24 | 李威 | Mitigating the harm caused by copper pollution in sediment to submerged macrophytes by adding biochar to water | Applied Ecology and Environmental Research | SCI四区 |
25 | 程洪 | 高羊茅根土复合体水力分离研究 | 草业科学 | CSCD |
26 | 刘文飞 | Effects of long-term nitrogen addition on water use by Cunninghamia lanceolate in a subtropical plantation | ECOSPHERE | SCI二区 |
27 | 邹显花 | Allocation of Phosphorus Fractions in Chinese Fir in Response to Low Phosphorus Availability Using 32P Tracer | Forests | SCI二区 |
28 | 夏金文 | structure degradation induced by wetting and drying cycles for the hilly granitic soils in collapsing gully erosion areas | forests | SCI三区 |